Join us for this group healing session as we open a vortex of healing energy. Amplified by the group energy, we call to the spiritual hierarchy… reaching up to the higher realms of the Angels, Archangels, the Elohim, the realm of Ascended Masters and other incredible beings of light, including the Arcturians… A group of highly evolved spiritual beings who are here to help us grow, heal and evolve in love and service. Supporting us with their healing gifts, we continue to reach all the way up to the Divine Source of Creation. Once the vortex is in place high-vibrational frequencies will be channelled for the group to offer multi-dimensional healing for our highest good. Participants are invited to meditate along with the frequencies to support the building of their subtle bodies if desired.
You are invited to bring your own yoga mat, cushion, and blankets if you prefer to lay down for this energy transmission.
Jeffrey Warren is a healing arts practitioner and teacher who is deeply committed to personal discovery, spiritual growth, conscious evolution and transformation through meditation, music, energy therapy and breathwork.
Cost: $25 • Please pre-register online to secure your spot.