Group Past Life Regression (Merrimack, NH)
Dive into the mystery of your personal past, unearth your hidden wisdom and rediscover the lessons that were once lost to the limits of time and space…
Dive into the mystery of your personal past, unearth your hidden wisdom and rediscover the lessons that were once lost to the limits of time and space…
Join me at the new studio in person or online for a relaxing evening of Yoga Nidra… Rest, relax and restore.
Healing Breath employs the ancient technique of pranayama meditation to allow full expression of our life force energy. This energy is directed by the breathers’ own inner wisdom to release subconscious blocks, past traumas, somatic patterns and to open the awareness to the full spectrum of experience to elevate and move toward a happy, healthy and connected state.
Join me at the new studio in person or online for a relaxing evening of Yoga Nidra… Rest, relax and restore.
Holotropic Breathwork One Day Workshop in Merrimack, NH
Join me at Regrowth Wellness in Lebanon, NH for this sacred soundbath and energy healing experience.
Magnified Healing® is a beautiful vibrational healing modality that works at an extremely high dimensional frequency. Magnified Healing can be used to cleanse, heal and balance the subtle bodies and chakras, support the nervous system, balance karma, heal the earth and ultimately prepare us and others for ascension.
Join us for our one day healing experience, the Auria Radiance Retreat in Merrimack, NH.
All Inclusive 7 Day Residential Retreat in the Heart of Teotihuacán, Mexico
Save the date for this once in a lifetime journey…
All Inclusive 10 Day Journey to Sacred Ireland
Join me at the new studio for this introductory experience to the power and practice of Kundalini Yoga. Part teaching and part practice, this class focuses on centering you in the experience of yourself. Learn mantra, movement, meditation and pranayama (breathwork) to activate the healer within.
Join me at the new studio in person or online for a relaxing evening of Yoga Nidra… Rest, relax and restore.
Take your Reiki to the next level and empower your sessions with healing symbols, learn to heal distantly (in person and online) and accelerate your path of success as a Reiki practitioner!
Introducing you to the Japanese healing art of Reiki, this one day training certifies you as a first degree practitioner and places you on the path of success in healing yourself and others.
Join me at the new studio for this introductory experience to the power and practice of Kundalini Yoga. Part teaching and part practice, this class focuses on centering you in the experience of yourself. Learn mantra, movement, meditation and pranayama (breathwork) to activate the healer within.
Join me at the new studio for a relaxing Yoga Nidra…
Join me at the new studio for this introductory experience to the power and practice of Kundalini Yoga. Part teaching and part practice, this class focuses on centering you in the experience of yourself. Learn mantra, movement, meditation and pranayama (breathwork) to activate the healer within.
The gong provides mental, physical and energetic healing. It restructures and redirects your subconscious mind and moves you into a healthier pattern and way of being. This deep gong bath will leave you feeling rested and refreshed.
Join us for our one day healing experience, the Auria Radiance Retreat in Merrimack, NH.
Learn to clear beliefs that are holding you back from manifesting in your life. Learn you can Create Your Own Reality...
Join me at Auria Wellness in Merrimack, NH for this dynamic soundbath and energy healing experience.
Join me at the new studio for this introductory experience to the power and practice of Kundalini Yoga. Part teaching and part practice, this class focuses on centering you in the experience of yourself. Learn mantra, movement, meditation and pranayama (breathwork) to activate the healer within.
The gong provides mental, physical and energetic healing. It restructures and redirects your subconscious mind and moves you into a healthier pattern and way of being. This deep gong bath will leave you feeling rested and refreshed.
Learn to understand the difference of the Creators voice verses your ego. What is truth verses fear.
Join me at Auria Wellness in Merrimack, NH for this dynamic soundbath and energy healing experience.
Join me at the new studio for this introductory experience to the power and practice of Kundalini Yoga. Part teaching and part practice, this class focuses on centering you in the experience of yourself. Learn mantra, movement, meditation and pranayama (breathwork) to activate the healer within.
After nearly 10 years of dreaming, I am excited to be opening my own healing center in Merrimack, NH.
Tickets have opened for our special solstice event!
Welcome to ThetaHealing® . The Basic DNA class teaches you the foundation of the ThetaHealing® technique and opens you up to an incredible world of energy, healing and intuitive reading.
Join us at Menla for our winter retreat!
Rhythm to your perfect body…
Breathe, awaken and heal with us outside Miami, FL. Holotropic Breathwork® Double Breath Retreat
This seminar is designed to get all ThetaHealers well trained at the essential digging technique, to give you the solid grounding, and tips you need so you are confident at digging to find your clients key core beliefs.
Holotropic Breathwork One Day Workshop in Merrimack, NH
Join me at Joyful Yoga in Merrimack, NH for this dynamic soundbath and energy healing experience.
Join me online for this dynamic soundbath and energy healing experience.
Take your Reiki to the next level and empower your sessions with healing symbols, learn to heal distantly (in person and online) and accelerate your path of success as a Reiki practitioner!
Introducing you to the Japanese healing art of Reiki, this one day training certifies you as a first degree practitioner and places you on the path of success in healing yourself and others.
Holotropic Breathwork One Day Workshop in Tallahassee, FL
Healing Breath is an active breathwork meditation that helps you to move beyond the ordinary patterns of the mind and assists in releasing stagnant energy and emotions, subconscious blocks, past traumas and difficulties.