What is the ThetaHealing® technique?

The ThetaHealing meditation technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health. Her original book details her personal healing journey and her connection to the Creator utilizing her meditation technique.

The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy with the purpose of improvement in mind, body and spirit while getting closer to the Creator of All That Is. It is a focused prayer to the Creator and allows you to train your mind, body and spirit to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.

The ThetaHealing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use one's own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by focused prayer utilizing a “Theta” and "delta" brainwave (incorporating physics and quantum physics), you can actually witness the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional wellbeing. We have learned that through the ThetaHealing Technique intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous changes and physical and emotional wellbeing.

Jeffrey Warren is a ThetaHealing Practitioner and Instructor. He offers private sessions and classes online and in person when available.

Theta Healing SUPPORTS

  • Clearing Blocks and Limiting Beliefs

  • Manifesting & Creating Abundance

  • Removing Patterns of Illness

  • Entity Clearing

  • Attracting Soul Mates

  • Provide Future Reading

  • Improve Relationships

  • Upgrade your DNA

  • Create Miracles



Current regular rate for ThetaHealing sessions is $125/hr. Purchasing a package is a way to commit deeper to your own healing and allows us to go deeper together in multiple sessions. Discounts are available for purchasing multiple sessions. Pricing is always subject to change.

ThetaHealing 60 Mins Private Session Packages
from $125.00
ThetaHealing 90 Mins Private Session Packages
from $180.00

ThetaHealing CLASSES…

  • Enhance your Intuition

  • Teach you to offer Healings and Readings

  • Connect you to Creator / Source / Infinite Field Energy

  • Give you tools to Support and Transform self and others

  • Certify you as an official ThetaHealing Instructor

  • Launch a New Passion, Career or Side Hustle

  • Offer a beautiful world view and healing paradigm

Theta Healing 3 Class Package

Includes first 3 levels of ThetaHealing Modality; Basic DNA, Advanced DNA & Dig Deeper. Pay now and join our online classes when you’re ready or email me to setup a special class. Includes 8 full days of instruction.